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Action Hero (IRE)
Agnes Stewart (IRE)
Amaseena (IRE)
Ambushed (IRE)
Angelou (GB)
Angels (GB)
Anice Stellato (IRE)
Anna Barkova (IRE)
Antique Store (IRE)
Apricot Moon (GB)
Army Recruit (IRE)
Artistic Vision (GB)
Atomic Impact (IRE)
Attagirl (GB)
Backstreet Girl (IRE)
Ballet Steps (GB)
Band Practice (IRE)
Battle Charge (FR)
Battle Command (USA)
Battle Commence (IRE)
Bear Essentials (IRE)
Beautiful Reward (FR)
Beauty Salon (GB)
Beyond Desire (GB)
Black Sirius (FR)
Bright Spells (IRE)
Burmese Waltz (GB)
Burning Flute (GB)
By Invitation (USA)
Cabopino (IRE)
Capital Offence (IRE)
Carter Pace (IRE)
Castlegrace Paddy (IRE)
Celestial Queen (GB)
Central Square (IRE)
Class Member (GB)
Close Quarters (IRE)
Collage (IRE)
Combat Style (IRE)
Commanding Officer (GB)
Control Zone (IRE)
Cuban Affair (GB)
Cuban Sands (GB)
Data Leak (IRE)
Days Of Summer (IRE)
Deep Intrigue (GB)
Dexter Belle (IRE)
Don Valentino (IRE)
Draconien (FR)
Dramatised (IRE)
Eagles By Day (IRE)
Eldorado Days (IRE)
Electrelane (GB)
Electric Eyes (IRE)
Endless Joy (GB)
Ensemble (IRE)
Eternal Blush (IRE)
Eternal Class (GB)
Fabricated (GB)
Fair Praise (IRE)
Fairy Falcon (GB)
Farnham (GB)
Fashion Queen (GB)
Federal Agent (IRE)
Ferensby (GB)
Fighter Pilot (IRE)
Final Credit (IRE)
Firing Squad (IRE)
Fleet Captain (GB)
Florida Times (IRE)
Forced Entry (GB)
Foreign Diplomat (GB)
Foreign Exchange (GB)
Free Nation (GB)
French Conquest (IRE)
French Heroine (GB)
Further Afield (GB)
Gagewell Flyer (IRE)
General Counsel (IRE)
Get Up And Dance (GB)
Giant's Treasure (IRE)
Golden Destiny (IRE)
Golden Reign (IRE)
Gorane (IRE)
Greek Hero (GB)
Guns Drawn (IRE)
Harbour Grey (IRE)
Hidden Belief (IRE)
Hidden Desire (GB)
Hidden Sky (IRE)
Hidden Spell (IRE)
Honorary Member (GB)
Hope Solo (IRE)
Hot Affair (GB)
Hot Contest (IRE)
Hot Stone (IRE)
Illegal Action (USA)
Illustrating (GB)
Imperial Square (IRE)
Improvised (IRE)
Inspired Thought (IRE)
Internal Conflict (IRE)
Invasion Day (IRE)
Island Drive (IRE)
It's Not Unusual (GB)
Khagan (IRE)
Lady In France (GB)
Lady Rockstar (GB)
Last Empire (GB)
Led Astray (GB)
Lily Fontana (IRE)
Living In The Past (IRE)
Localiser (IRE)
Love Interest (GB)
Magical Spell (IRE)
Main Desire (IRE)
Man About Town (IRE)
Marie Of Lyon (GB)
Mary Brady (GB)
Masquerading (GB)
Memorial Verse (IRE)
Midheaven (IRE)
Midnight Crossing (IRE)
Ministerial (GB)
Minus Fifteen (IRE)
Miss Mitch (IRE)
Moonlight Bay (GB)
Morning Assembly (IRE)
Morning Duel (IRE)
Mother Shipton (GB)
Mount Gunnery (GB)
Mystical Illusion (GB)
Naval Captain (IRE)
New Jersey (IRE)
Night Secret (IRE)
Noble Title (GB)
Overrule (IRE)
Papillio (IRE)
Paris Rooftops (IRE)
Peak Princess (IRE)
Pedestrian (IRE)
Perfect Beauty (GB)
Perfect Persuasion (GB)
Perfect Step (IRE)
Peticoatgovernment (IRE)
Pillow Talk (IRE)
Pink Carnation (GB)
Play Mate (GB)
Poetic Legacy (IRE)
Point of Order (GB)
Pondapie (IRE)
Principle Equation (IRE)
Proclaimed (GB)
Public Opinion (GB)
Pure Innocence (IRE)
Queen Jo Jo (GB)
Queen Of Desire (IRE)
Queen's Course (IRE)
Queen's Order (GB)
Radar Days (IRE)
Radio City (GB)
Rapture (FR)
Readman (GB)
Reballo (IRE)
Rebel Icon (IRE)
Red Balloons (GB)
Red Romance (GB)
Revived (GB)
Ribblehead (USA)
Right Grand (GB)
Riverside Walk (GB)
Rocky Ground (IRE)
Romantic Proposal (IRE)
Romantic Vision (IRE)
Rosa Klebb (IRE)
Rosdhu Queen (IRE)
Royal Highness (IRE)
School Run (IRE)
Secret Diary (GB)
Secret Emotion (GB)
Secret Passion (GB)
Secretarial (IRE)
Self Defence (IRE)
Severio (IRE)
She Can Dance (GB)
Silent Agenda (GB)
Silent Thunder (IRE)
Small Print (GB)
Smiling Jayne (IRE)
Soldier's Call (GB)
Soul Artist (IRE)
Space Traveller (GB)
Sports Reporter (GB)
Spring Campaign (IRE)
Spygate (GB)
Stage Play (IRE)
State Control (GB)
State Patrol (IRE)
Stones of Venice (IRE)
Suedois (FR)
Summer Blossom (IRE)
Summer Bride (IRE)
Sundazed (IRE)
Swan Band (GB)
Tawayna (IRE)
Third Order (IRE)
Time Off (GB)
Time's Arrow (IRE)
Times Past (IRE)
Town Council (IRE)
True Icon (IRE)
True Testimony (IRE)
True Warfare (GB)
Twilight Hours (IRE)
Twin Shadow (IRE)
Urban Hero (IRE)
Veronica Falls (GB)
Victory Day (IRE)
War Effort (IRE)
Western Alliance (IRE)
Western Hero (IRE)
Western Safari (IRE)
Wheels Of Fortune (GB)
Whisper Aloud (GB)
Winter Melody (GB)
Wise Counsel (GB)
Wishing Time (IRE)
Woodface (GB)
World Order (IRE)
Zanida (IRE)
Zegna (IRE)